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Want to cancel your TruthFinder account? With a few easy steps, you can learn how to end your account subscription.

Login to Your TruthFinder Account

Login To TruthFinder

  1. Go
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Click on ‘Login’ to enter your account.

Go to Membership Settings

Navigate To Your Member Settings

  1. Navigate to the ‘Account’ dropdown at the top right of your screen.
  2. Hover over the dropdown and make your way to ‘Membership Settings’.
  3. Click Membership Settings’ to access your subscription information.

Request to Remove your Subscription

Cancel Your Subscription

  1. After entering your Membership Settings, scroll down to your membership plan(s).
  2. Find the plan(s) you want to remove from your account.
  3. Press ‘Cancel Subscription’ on the plan you wish to cancel.

Cancel Your Account

Confirm The Cancellation Of Your Account

  1. On the Customer Feedback form, select a reason for cancellation.
  2. Enter your feedback on why you canceled your account.
  3. Press ‘Submit’ after you have filled out the prompt.

Cancel By Phone

Cancel Your Account By Calling TruthFinder

  1. Go
  2. Navigate to the contact information and call: 1 (800) 699-8081
  3. Give your account information to a Customer Service Representative and allow them to cancel your account.

Related:How To Remove Your Information From TruthFinder (Opt Out)

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