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Need more information on an address? With a few easy steps, you’ll be able to run a Reverse Address Lookup within minutes!

Login to Your TruthFinder Account

Login to Your TruthFinder account

  1. Add the following URL  into your
  2. Enter your login credentials and press the green ‘Login’ button.
  3. TIP:If you cannot remember your login credentials, you can click ‘Forgot your Password?’ to retrieve this information.

Run an Address lookup Search

  1. Click on the ‘Search by Address’ tab in the dashboard.
  2. Enter the address you want to search for.
  3. Click on the green ‘Search’ box to run a lookup.

Navigate Through the Address Report

  1. View nearby possible sex offenders in that area.
  2. Scroll through to find information on both the property and the possible property owner(s).
  3. You can also download this report for offline viewing by clicking ‘Download PDF’.

Locate Potential Residents and Neighbors

Locate Potential Residents and Neighbors

  1. Click on the ‘Residents’ section on the Report Navigation dropdown. 
  2. Scroll through to view the possible current and possible past residents of the location.
  3. Click ‘View Report’ to view the resident’s online background report.

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